How often do you meet someone whose job is described as “the study of Atheism, Humanism, and Secular Ethics?” The Humanists and Freethinkers of Cape Fear are proud to host renowned educator and philosopher Anjan Chakravartty, the Appignani Foundation Chair for the Study of Atheism, Humanism, and Secular Ethics at the University of Miami.
Dr. Chakravartty, a personable and animated speaker, describes his talk this way: “In philosophy, the idea of ‘naturalism’ is often associated with the view that the world is entirely natural, containing nothing supernatural, and that our understanding of the world should reflect this by recognizing empirical inquiry and scientific investigation as our most authoritative arbiters of what is reasonably believed.” He adds, “It is somewhat unclear, though, what precisely this rules in and out. I consider some possibilities for how naturalism might delimit our beliefs about the world.”

Anjan Chakravartty is the Appignani Foundation Chair for the Study of Atheism, Humanism, and Secular Ethics at the University of Miami. He is a Guggenheim Fellow, holding a BSc in Biophysics and an MA in Philosophy, as well as an MPhil and PhD in the history and philosophy of science. He has authored numerous books and articles in the philosophy of science, metaphysics, and epistemology, and has taught previously at the Universities of Cambridge, Toronto, and Notre Dame.
This lecture is free and open to the public. The program will be held in the MC Erny Gallery of WHQR Public Radio, 254 North Front Street, Suite 300, Wilmington, NC 28401, from 6:00 to 7:30pm. Please allow a little extra time for the one elevator.
The Humanists & Freethinkers of Cape Fear is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, with hundreds of members representing a diverse group of Atheists, Agnostics, Freethinkers, Rationalists, Skeptics, and all those who question organized religion, located in Wilmington NC.