Ellen Sutliff, longtime member of HFCF, founder of Humanists & Freethinkers of New Bern, and board member of American Humanist Association, will explore how to talk about Humanism in her program “Talking about Humanism.”
Many Humanists struggle with verbalizing what it means to be a Humanist, especially when talking with those who are religious, and who are not familiar with the concept of Humanism.
Ellen will help put the words together for us, and talk about how to share the basic precepts of living a life with Humanist values.
About this talk, from Ellen: “As Humanists, it is to our advantage to promote Humanism as a positive life philosophy and gain greater acceptance among believers. Consider there are no admitted atheists in Congress and we have never had a President who identified as a non-believer. So, how many lawmakers really speak for us? Change is happening slowly and you can help. I’ll offer some helpful tips for having productive conversations and suggest a bunch of things you can do to contribute to the movement. You may be surprised in how many ways you can make a difference. We will do some play acting with audience participation.”